The Following is a guest article written by Emily Anderson. Emily is a member at Wazeecha and has two theological degrees, one from The Baptist University of Florida and the other from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. We are grateful for her expertise in the Old Testament book of Ruth which she shares with us:
Though the individual who best exhibited love in the first chapter of Ruth was undeniably Ruth herself, the individual who arguably exhibited love best in chapter two is none other than Boaz. “As it happens,” throughout the second chapter, we see Boaz’ godly character fuel his ability to exude love. Chapter two highlights how Boaz not only leads with love, but how every aspect of his life reflects a legacy building type of love. This is evident in every recorded interaction that Boaz has with others. Through this close look at Boaz’ interactions with others, we see six attributes of legacy building love. 1. Someone who exhibits legacy building love is one whose speech and actions are richly seasoned with kindness and thoughtfulness. We see this displayed in Boaz’ initial exchange with his employees. Coming in from Bethlehem, Boaz greets his employees by speaking blessing over them (v. 4); which means that, upon returning to his portion of the field, the first words out of his mouth were blessings to those that the Lord has put under his charge. Why? Because legacy building love seeks to bless others through speech that is flavored with kindness. 2. Someone who exhibits legacy building love is one who is attentive to others and their situations. This truth is seen clearly in how Boaz’ first question – after greeting his employees – is in regards to Ruth – the new woman gleaning in his portion of the field. This reveals Boaz’ attentiveness because only someone who had been paying careful attention to not only his field but who gleaned in it would recognize that someone new was present. Also, although it is imperative to never say something of Scripture that it is not stating, I wonder if how Boaz phrases his inquiry about Ruth also speaks volumes about his character and compassion toward others. Instead of asking who she is Boaz asks, “Whose young woman is this?” (v. 5). I believe that maybe Boaz asked in this manner in order to gain an understanding of her situation and whether or not this new woman gleaning in his field was part of a community or not. 3. Someone who exhibits legacy building love is one who desires to protect, care, and provide for others. This beautiful truth is seen in how Boaz responds to the revelation that the new woman gleaning in his field is the same woman that has been talked about throughout town (chapter 1 v. 19 & chapter 2 v. 6) – who sojourned with her mother-in-law to Bethlehem from Moab. Upon receiving this information, Boaz immediately tells Ruth to stay in his field and glean so that she can remain safe from harassment (v. 8) and so that he could continue to ensure not only her safety, but also provide ample provisions for her as she gleaned (vv. 15-16). 4. Someone who exhibits legacy building love is one who sees people holistically. This timeless truth is reflected in how Boaz’ responds to Ruth questioning the reason behind his profound kindness toward her (v.10). Ruth could not comprehend how a Jewish man could see her as anything more than a Moabite or foreigner. Boaz simply explains that he knows of everything that she has sacrificed in order to care for her mother-in-law (such as leaving her home, her family, her people, and everything she has ever known for a foreign land of which she had only heard of). In other words, Ruth asks why Boaz is kind to her a mere foreigner and Boaz’ reply is that a mere foreigner is not all he sees. When Boaz sees Ruth, he sees more than her ethnicity and origin story. He sees her character. He sees her love. He sees her devotedness. He sees her kindness. He sees her compassion. He sees her resilience. He sees her bravery. He sees her strength. He sees her new found faith in the God of Israel. Boaz tells Ruth he sees her whole story because Boaz sees all of her, and in seeing all of her, Boaz sees someone that he strongly desires to bless lavishly and continuously. 5. Someone who exhibits legacy building love is one who recognizes legacy building love in others. Once the truth of who Ruth was, was revealed to Boaz, he realized that the woman who was before him was the same woman whose story of strength, faith, and love was being shared throughout the town. When Boaz heard of Ruth, he knew that she was one who was building a legacy of love. He knew because he, too, was doing so. Why? Because legacy building love recognizes legacy building love in others. Ruth’s love and strength of character were clear to Boaz because he was intimately familiar with those same life-affirming and life-enriching attributes. 6. Someone who exhibits legacy building love is one who is generous with love and constantly strives to live out kindness and compassion in one’s blessing of others. Boaz could have easily just blessed Ruth lavishly at their initial meeting, but Boaz takes it upon himself to continuously bless her lavishly (vv. 15-16). By caring for Ruth in this way, Boaz exemplifies the importance of blessing others not only once, but seeking out ways to implement the rich blessing of others into our daily lives, even and especially in ways in which they are not privy. Although all of these six attributes of someone building a legacy of love are crucial, I have to admit that the fourth one – seeing people holistically – is my favorite. This attribute is my favorite for several reasons but mostly because I can’t help but think of how the Lord – in His sovereignty – had Boaz be a descendant of Rahab – a foreigner and a former prostitute. It always makes me smile when I picture Ruth’s bafflement in how Boaz could she beyond her ethnicity and origin. Little did she know that this same Boaz who was standing before her was a descendant of another foreigner who was also grafted into the people of God. Little did either of them know, that they both would be a part of the lineage of the Messiah, Christ the Lord – the single, greatest legacy of love builder that ever did, does, and ever will live.
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AuthorDr. Trey Turner is planter and now pastor of Church at Wazeecha. He is married with three children, two adult children and one teenager at home Archives
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